
Vital Area for Arab Women's Rights.

Salam al Rabadi \ researcher and author in international relations

If there is the desire of serious and sincere in Arab societies for the recognition of women's rights as one of the fundamental rights of the human being. this means that we must re-examine everything has to do with institutions: family, religion and culture based on the developments of intellectual and contemporary human. Which prompts us to try to think ethically in those rights. That need to be completely different vision From the past.

Where we can not recognize the many of these rights without some of the challenges that we face whether in relation to the concept of rights itself or in relation to some of the fundamental institutions such as family and religion.

Since many of those violations it remains its vital lies in family life. This therefore requires a firm subjecting each of the family and cultural thought (containing the religious dimension) to the process of self-criticism bold. Based on this we can approach this reality as such dialectical:

1- Is the logic and morality to justify violations of the rights of Arab women through recourse to cultural norms or religious?

2- How long women will be taken as evidence of the safety of cultural integration and moral?

3- What is the vital area of Arab women can overcome the system of tyranny and swirl control and help her to fly in the space of universal human equality?

It seems that Arab women have developed in the womb of the cycle of social forces: opposite and conflicting and competing. It is the definition of closed cultures in Arab societies is taken as the cultures retain traditional forms of femininity which is a violation of women's fundamental rights are commonplace and acceptable.

There is nothing new, in case we wanted to provide some facts and data about the bitter reality of Arab women. Of course, as they together with their children make up the vast majority of asylum cases in places where wars or conflicts or natural disasters.

The women also are the first victim of the prostitution trade which extends across the entire world. And their bodies remain wide open for experiments to increase birth control or to select it.  As increasing militarism so to speak or the so-called violence against women (domestic rape) and women in some of our communities continue to suffer from the practices of female genital mutilation. Not to mention the economic weakness and the lack of financial independence.

But it makes no sense and is deplorable accept some Arab women For those appearances, arguing that they have got used to such practices. Even a lot of our women do not know anything about the exploit.

When we try to evaluate those problematic hybrid and complex dialectic certainly we will face and severely brunt of the following questions:

1- Why are not linked to manhood when the Arab human only through the process of repression and oppression of Arab women?

2- Does anyone have the right -based on the principles of universal human rights- the approval of the violation of his humanity?

3- Do we need to try to devise a conclusion and implications of new beliefs from an ethical perspective humane?

4-  Is the vital area of ​​the guarantor of the rights of Arab women should stems mainly from a humanitarian moral legal system and not of the culture of patriarchal society?

Based on the above and in a language clear and unequivocal and absolute we have to think cautiously in terms of how we use such as women and femininity, identity and honor and manhood. Repression maximum real experienced by the Arab patriarchal society is the loss of human spiritual strength which may help them to fly in the sky of freedom and opportunity and appropriate choices and thus stop to determine what is best for Arab women and what they should do

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. شركة مكافحة حشرات انمكافحة الحشرات من افضل الشركات التى تستخدم افضل واحدث المبيدات التى ليس لها اى ضرر على الانسان ولا اعراض جانبيه ولا اى شئ من هذا القبيل ولان شركة كل يوم تأتى اليك بجديد الخدمات وافضلها عندنا وفريق خاص لكل خدمه من الخدمات مثل التنظيف ورش المبيدات ونقل الاثاث وتنظيف الخزانات وعزل الخزانات وتسليك المجارى وشفط البيارات وعزل الاسطه والدهانات والديكور وتنظيف الكنب وتنظيف المجالس وتنظيف السجاد ومكافحة النمل الابيض والبق وتخزين الاثاث وباقى الخدمات المنزليه كل خدمه من هذه الخدمات التى نقدمها لك عميلى العزيز يوجد لدينا فريق خاص لكل قسم من الاقسام وكل فريق ملزم بان يحترم المواعيد والاتفاقيات التى يتفق عليها عند اتصالك بنا فعميلى العزيز اذا اتصلت بنا شركة فانت بالفعل فى امان تام مع شركتنا شركة ولاننا متميزون فى جميع اعمالنا سوف نعرض عليك المميزات الاساسيه لدا شركة اتصل الان

    مشكلة وجود الحشرات فى منزلك واضرارها على افراد عائلتك
    ان مشكلة وجود الحشرات فى منزلك هو شئ يعتبر كارثه لأنه فالحشرات مضره جدا على صحة الأنسان وعدم الشعور بالامان ايضا جميع انواع الحشرات مزعجه وتسبب لك وافراد عائلتك بالامراض الشائعه وايضا الغير شائعه فالحشرات يوجد منها انواع كثيره ومعقده مثل النمل الابض والبق والذباب وباقى انواع الحشرات هى تعتبر معادله صعبه فانت لاتعلم ما هو المرض الذى ينتظرك بسبب وجود الحشرات فى منزلك والنمل الابيض وجوده فى منزلك يعتب ايضا كارثه لانه يسبب بهدم البيت واكل الجدران ولذالك نحن يوجد لدى افضل شركة رش مبيدات بالقطيف
    فريق خاص مدرب على اكمل وجه وصاحب الخبره والكفائه العاليه التى تتعدى 6سنوات من الخبره فى هذا المجال وعملائنا متميزون بحسن الاخلاق والنيه والتعامل مع العميل عند اتصاله بشكل جميل وذو خلق وضمير ونحن نمتلك المبيدات القادره على القضاء على اى نوع من انواع اللحشرات التى توجد فى منزلك او بيتك او فلتك او اى كان نوع منزلك نحن باذن الله قادرون على ارضائك بشل تام ورائع اتصل الان
    شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض


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