
Water Issue in International Relations

Salam AL Rabadi: Prospects of Strategy

Necessary and very important for us study the issue of water in international relations in order to try to  cast a spotlight on the thorny topics and problems dealing with human life and his future in the fields of security, politics, economy, knowledge, culture. They reflect the reality of global variables, associated with a range of strategic themes in terms of world politics. Including: Global governance and ecological political, The effects of technological progress, Limits of military power, Human rights and sustainable development, Energy and natural resources, Demographic issue and food security, The problematic relationship between industrialized countries and developing countries.

The global changes related to the question of water and clearly shows us that the level of security in international relations has changed profoundly. The issue of water feed us with a package of information and impressions which takes us to new heights about the prospects for a renewed centered to keep pace with the movement of the world and its issues fixed and mobile.
So that we can understand and grasp the new patterns no longer for us feasible relying on classic debate instruments to read what is going on in the era of post-modernity and to understand the changes and transformations  in order to framing renewable facts in international relations.
If the ultimate goal of the postmodern world is access to sustainable development in a comprehensive framework. Thus the human security related to water issues falls in advanced concept of humanity.

And if the water wars and conflicts associated with this act maybe will not be imminent get now for the foreseeable future but inevitably may become imminent in the near term. and here is the question: How to deal with them when they occur? What we do to prevent it? Philosophically: Can the traditional theories of international relations to answer such questions?
1- How can for international relations to manage the conflict over water resources?
2- Are we facing a new international patterns in international relations, is no longer based on the principle of conflict of interest and not on the principle of a clash of civilizations, but on the principle of struggle for survival?
3- Difficult equation in international relations List on: How can we reconcile and improve coordination between the of living and human freedom in the use of resources to meet the needs creating and protecting the environment for future generations.
4- Is there a policy and creative diplomacy can be used in order to find solutions to the problems of scarcity of water resources ? Is there scientific methods can be applied on the ground? Will political and technical institutions able to implement it?
5- Does this mean that in the event of the failure of the political options will be asylum to a market economy option? Thus become water a commodity only subject to the logic of the market. Is it the eternal problem between policy priority and the priority of the economy ?
In the context of global variables, began the turning point in the approach In how to handle with the water issue: It is the main problems raised by the issue of water a fundamental problem relating to Sustainable development and the new context of international relations. The outstanding issues of concern to the whole world no longer exclusively on the states alone. And the nature of those issues or phenomena emerged from what is customary in international relations.
For example, environmental and water problems is the problem between human and nature. It is not a problem between countries through accurate diagnosis of the phenomenon. If ambition is the emergence of a global pattern of values governs the conduct of nations and institutions so will it be the issue of values and transformations in the forefront of intellectual questions current and future?


المسألة المائية في العلاقات الدولية

سلام الربضي \ مؤلف وباحث في العلاقات الدولية
غني عن القول، إن موضوع المياه يشكل واحداً من أهم الموضوعات المعاصرة،إلى درجة الاعتقاد أن الحروب القادمة ستكون بالدرجة الأولى حروباً مائية. وبالنظر إلى تصورات المخاطر العالمية المستقبلية من حيث القدرة على التأثير، تصنف أزمات المياه على أنها الخطر الأكبر. ومما لا شك فيه أنهُ سيكون هنالك تأثير كبير للمسألة المائية في العلاقات الدولية من حيث:
1-       كيفية تغير أنماط القوة وارتباطها بالتفاعل بين الإنسان والبيئة؟

2-       كيفية المقاربة السياسية لتلك المتغيرات؟

3-      ماهية استراتيجيات الدول في علاقاتها الدولية؟
ومستقبلاً، سوف تطرح عدة جدليات حول الخطوات المطلوب تحقيقها على صعيد العلاقات الدولية لتحقيق الأمن الغائي ولتخفيف رقعة الفجوة المائية، على شاكلة:
-       هل تكون الخطوة الأولى لردم تلك الفجوة عبر التعاون على نقل التكنولوجيا؟ أم قد تلعب الأيدي الخفية في الأسواق التجارية لعبتها؟ أم أن أسواق المعرفة سوف تقف حاجزاً أمام ذلك؟ وأين الدول وسيادتها من ذلك؟ فهل ستدخل المسألة المائية في العلاقات الدولية من بوابة السياسة وتقف أمام حاجز الإقتصاد؟ أم تدخل من بوابة الإقتصاد وتقف أمام حاجز السياسة؟

-       وهل هنالك حاجة إلى صياغة استراتيجيات وبرامج أبحاث رسمية، لمعالجة تطور نسق الأمن المائي والأمن الغذائي السيادي؟. وهل يمكن القول أن هنالك نسق هو بمثابة مؤشر لما يمكن تسميته نسق الإنقسام الإيديولوجي البيئي المتزايد؟

وكثير هي الجدليات المائية الشائكة التي لا يمكنها تجاهل هذا النسق، وهذه عينة منها:
1-  جدلية نسق أخلاقيات التكنولوجيا الحيوية الزراعية والمائية: فما هي التكنولوجيا والتقنيات الواجب إستخدامها وهل هي متوافرة لدى جميع الدول وما أثارها على الإنسان والبيئة؟

2-   جدلية الأولويات الزراعية تماشياً وشح المياه:هل تكون لصالح الإنسان أم لصالح الحيوان؟

3-  جدلية اختيار نوعية المحاصيل هل ستخضع للبعد الإقتصادي الأكثر ربحاً أم سخضع للبعد السياسي الأمني كمحصول القمح؟ أم تخضع لواقع البعد المائي والبيئي الصرف؟

وبلا شك فإن هذه الجدليات في مقاربة المسألة المائية والتي تحمل في طياتها أبعاد مختلفة للمتغيرات العالمية المستجدة _على كافة المستويات التكنولوجية والاقتصادية والأمنية والسياسية والثقافية والبيئية_ والمرتبطة بالإستراتجيات الإنسانية ستفتح الآفاق أمام أنساق جديدة، في تفسير العلاقات الدولية بشقيها النظري والعملي. فنحن الأن في عصر الإنسان، الذي بلغت تأثيراته وضغوطاته على النطاق البيئي المائي، حد تحوله إلى قوة جيولوجية هائلة، ترمي بظلالها على العلاقات الدولية التي أصبحت أمام فضاء جديد. والمسألة المائية نموذج من ذلك الفضاء. 

فالهواجس المائية على صعيد السياسة ليست بالبسيطة، وتشكل وسطاً معقداً وهشاً. وفي خضم هذا الواقع الذي يعاني من مشكلة نقص مائي حاد، أصبح تقاسم مصادر المياه ضرورياً أكثر فأكثر،وصعباً بفعل تنوع الحاجات والاستخدامات واللاعبين. وبناء عليه، كثيرة هي الإشكاليات المستقبلية، المتعلقة بكيفية تعامل الدول مع هذه المسألة:
-       هل ستكون أزمة المياه المستقبلية بمثابة نموذج للصراع الحتمي أم تكون بمثابة نموذج لمرحلة جديدة من العلاقات الدولية قائمة على التعايش الحتمي؟وهل هناك من رؤية سياسية عالمية لكيفية التعامل مع الحتمية المائية؟

يبدو أنه قد آن الأوان لإدراك،أن التشابكات المائية والبيئية والسياسية والاقتصادية واسعة جداً، وجميعها في بوتقة واحدة. فالأمن المائي جزء لا يتجزأ من الأمن البشري بمفهومه الواسع. فالمسألة المائية هي نموذج لطبيعة الأنساق الجديدة في العلاقات الدولية المعاصرة. إنها أنساق عالمية تتبلور يوم بعد يوم. والثابت فيها أن الماء أصبح مورداً استراتيجياً: جيوسياسي وجيوإنساني.  
ولكن هل سوف يتسنى لنا إمكانية الغوص في أعماق هذه الأنساق العالمية الآتية، قبل أو بعد شرب كوباً من الماء النظيف؟ هذا إذا كنا بالفعل كنا قادرين من الحصول عليه؟  
عذراً ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ لنتمهل قبل شرب هذا الكوب من الماء ولنتأكد من إنه لم يتعرض للتلوث من قبل مجموعة إرهابية؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟


Vital Area for Arab Women's Rights.

Salam al Rabadi \ researcher and author in international relations

If there is the desire of serious and sincere in Arab societies for the recognition of women's rights as one of the fundamental rights of the human being. this means that we must re-examine everything has to do with institutions: family, religion and culture based on the developments of intellectual and contemporary human. Which prompts us to try to think ethically in those rights. That need to be completely different vision From the past.

Where we can not recognize the many of these rights without some of the challenges that we face whether in relation to the concept of rights itself or in relation to some of the fundamental institutions such as family and religion.

Since many of those violations it remains its vital lies in family life. This therefore requires a firm subjecting each of the family and cultural thought (containing the religious dimension) to the process of self-criticism bold. Based on this we can approach this reality as such dialectical:

1- Is the logic and morality to justify violations of the rights of Arab women through recourse to cultural norms or religious?

2- How long women will be taken as evidence of the safety of cultural integration and moral?

3- What is the vital area of Arab women can overcome the system of tyranny and swirl control and help her to fly in the space of universal human equality?

It seems that Arab women have developed in the womb of the cycle of social forces: opposite and conflicting and competing. It is the definition of closed cultures in Arab societies is taken as the cultures retain traditional forms of femininity which is a violation of women's fundamental rights are commonplace and acceptable.

There is nothing new, in case we wanted to provide some facts and data about the bitter reality of Arab women. Of course, as they together with their children make up the vast majority of asylum cases in places where wars or conflicts or natural disasters.

The women also are the first victim of the prostitution trade which extends across the entire world. And their bodies remain wide open for experiments to increase birth control or to select it.  As increasing militarism so to speak or the so-called violence against women (domestic rape) and women in some of our communities continue to suffer from the practices of female genital mutilation. Not to mention the economic weakness and the lack of financial independence.

But it makes no sense and is deplorable accept some Arab women For those appearances, arguing that they have got used to such practices. Even a lot of our women do not know anything about the exploit.

When we try to evaluate those problematic hybrid and complex dialectic certainly we will face and severely brunt of the following questions:

1- Why are not linked to manhood when the Arab human only through the process of repression and oppression of Arab women?

2- Does anyone have the right -based on the principles of universal human rights- the approval of the violation of his humanity?

3- Do we need to try to devise a conclusion and implications of new beliefs from an ethical perspective humane?

4-  Is the vital area of ​​the guarantor of the rights of Arab women should stems mainly from a humanitarian moral legal system and not of the culture of patriarchal society?

Based on the above and in a language clear and unequivocal and absolute we have to think cautiously in terms of how we use such as women and femininity, identity and honor and manhood. Repression maximum real experienced by the Arab patriarchal society is the loss of human spiritual strength which may help them to fly in the sky of freedom and opportunity and appropriate choices and thus stop to determine what is best for Arab women and what they should do

Vital Area for Arab Women's Rights.

Salam al Rabadi \ researcher and author in international relations.

If there is the desire of serious and sincere in Arab societies for the recognition of women's rights as one of the fundamental rights of the human being. this means that we must re-examine everything has to do with institutions: family, religion and culture based on the developments of intellectual and contemporary human. Which prompts us to try to think ethically in those rights. That need to be completely different vision From the past.

Where we can not recognize the many of these rights without some of the challenges that we face whether in relation to the concept of rights itself or in relation to some of the fundamental institutions such as family and religion.

Since many of those violations it remains its vital lies in family life. This therefore requires a firm subjecting each of the family and cultural thought (containing the religious dimension) to the process of self-criticism bold. Based on this we can approach this reality as such dialectical:

1- Is the logic and morality to justify violations of the rights of Arab women through recourse to cultural norms or religious?

2- How long women will be taken as evidence of the safety of cultural integration and moral?

3- What is the vital area of Arab women can overcome the system of tyranny and swirl control and help her to fly in the space of universal human equality?

It seems that Arab women have developed in the womb of the cycle of social forces: opposite and conflicting and competing. It is the definition of closed cultures in Arab societies is taken as the cultures retain traditional forms of femininity which is a violation of women's fundamental rights are commonplace and acceptable.

There is nothing new, in case we wanted to provide some facts and data about the bitter reality of Arab women. Of course, as they together with their children make up the vast majority of asylum cases in places where wars or conflicts or natural disasters.

The women also are the first victim of the prostitution trade which extends across the entire world. And their bodies remain wide open for experiments to increase birth control or to select it.  As increasing militarism so to speak or the so-called violence against women (domestic rape) and women in some of our communities continue to suffer from the practices of female genital mutilation. Not to mention the economic weakness and the lack of financial independence.

But it makes no sense and is deplorable accept some Arab women For those appearances, arguing that they have got used to such practices. Even a lot of our women do not know anything about the exploit.

When we try to evaluate those problematic hybrid and complex dialectic certainly we will face and severely brunt of the following questions:

1- Why are not linked to manhood when the Arab human only through the process of repression and oppression of Arab women?

2- Does anyone have the right -based on the principles of universal human rights- the approval of the violation of his humanity?

3- Do we need to try to devise a conclusion and implications of new beliefs from an ethical perspective humane?

4-  Is the vital area of ​​the guarantor of the rights of Arab women should stems mainly from a humanitarian moral legal system and not of the culture of patriarchal society?

Based on the above and in a language clear and unequivocal and absolute we have to think cautiously in terms of how we use such as women and femininity, identity and honor and manhood. Repression maximum real experienced by the Arab patriarchal society is the loss of human spiritual strength which may help them to fly in the sky of freedom and opportunity and appropriate choices and thus stop to determine what is best for Arab women and what they should do.

For communication and cooperation

يمكن التواصل والتعاون مع الباحث والمؤلف سلام الربضي عبر الايميل